There’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all when it comes to washing your hair, especially when you have curly hair. It would always depend on your lifestyle, the weather, hair condition, and even if you have any allergic reactions to shampoos or hair products. Maintaining it would always be one of the hardest things to implement in your routine. With that said, there’s a solid chance that you’ll never forget to do a shower hair routine with this simple tip!

We might think overwashing our hair would make it healthier and cleaner, but it actually makes it a lot more prone to damage, breakage, and curl pattern disruption. It’s all about finding the right balance with the right curly hair products and your washing routine. An important note to keep in mind is that water is your friend!

Wash your hair only when it’s dirty, has product buildup, if your scalp is itchy, if you exercise, if you go swimming, or if you have an overly oily scalp. No matter what your hair type is, curl pattern, or the current state of your hair, what’s most important aside from the shampoo you use, is the water.

And this is great news for you! You can now have the ultimate proper wash for your curly hair with Bodyful’s Beauty Shower filter! With its powerful filtration system, it strains out all the unwanted chemicals and dirt particles that can damage your hair even more. Aside from that, the Vitamin Filter stage replaces dirt and chemicals into Vitamin C which adds a layer of protection, hydration, and deep moisture to your curls!
Get your hands into the ultimate curl secret now!